Fitting to this month the featured album of this weekend is an album by Oktober.
Oktober is an obscure German band who released 3 albums between 1976-1979. The band's name is a reference to the October Revolution of 1917. They were one of several so called German 'polit rock' bands of that time similar to Floh de Cologne, Ton Steine Scherben, Lokomotive Kreuzberg and others. These bands emerged after the 1968 protest movement as part of the extra-parliamentary opposition in West Germany. Common to all of them were lyrics sung in German with a political agenda against the ruling political system and the establishment.
The debut album of Oktober is called 'Uhrsprung', which is a creative composition of the words 'Uhr' (clock) and 'Sprung' (leap). Both words together can associate with a clock that is ticking, a time that will come and the word 'Ursprung' which means origin. The vocals are sung in a theatrical manner like a layman choir, not in the way of trained singers, because they represent the voices of the common people who declaim against the system, proclaim demands and dream of a better future.
The album consists of 5 tracks. The first three Familie (family), Schule (school) and Betrieb (work place) focus on the areas of life, where the person experience oppression. The forth song Staat und Solidaritätslied (state and solidarity song) is about the political fight in the state, and the last song Der Traum des Schmieds (dream of a blacksmith) is a dream about the awakening of the workers class.
The musical style is pure high quality progressive rock similar to Yes, Genesis, ELP or Gentle Giant. Notwithstanding these influences, the band manage to create an own distinctive sound with excellent instrument playing throughout on the symphonic side of prog. Unlike in Anglo-American countries, in Germany there is a strict separation between 'popular/rock/jazz music' and 'classical music'. Crossing the borders between rock and classical, as is done here, can be regarded as an affront against the establishment, so the use of this style is not surprising. It can be seen as the music of the future, where its 'progressiveness' is meant in the sense of historical advancement.
Floating Islands : Sunday 3 pm SLT (22:00 GMT, 00:00 CEST)
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