Saturday, 6 June 2020

Bernard & Pörsti - Gulliver (2020)

Bernard & Pörsti is a musical spin-off of The Samurai of Prog, which consists of Marco Bernard on bass and Kimmo Pörsti on drums. As with The Samurai of Prog they are accompanied by numerous guest musicians. This new release is a concept album which is inspired by Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's travels. The music is consistent to The Samurai of Prog, yet it is more rooted into prog of the 70's, especially Genesis 1972-74, with keyboards that could be from ELP or Yes, and wood wind instruments that could be of King Crimson/Colosseum/Supertramp. Also featuring Steve Unruh on vocals and violins, and Akihisa Tsuboy of jazz-rock-fusion band KBB on violins.

Starport Omega : Saturday 18:00 PST (Sunday 03:00 CEST, 01:00 GMT)
Floating Islands : Sunday 15:00 PST (Monday 00:00 CEST, Sunday 22:00 GMT)

My streaming URL

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