Sunday, 22 November 2020

Galahad - Seas of Change (2018)

Galahad is a neo-prog band founded in 1985 in the UK. First they were only supporting acts for other neo-prog bands of that time like IQ, Pendragon and Pallas, playing half covers and half original material. Then, at the beginning of the 90's they took it more seriously and started recording their first proper album in 1991. Since then they have released 13 studio albums so far. This weekend I am streaming their album 'Seas of Change', which was one of my top 3 albums of the year 2018. This album mostly consists of one single track, which I would also name as an example of a typical progressive rock track longer than 40 minutes.

Starport Omega : Saturday 6 pm SLT (Sunday 03:00 CET, 02:00 GMT)
Floating Islands : Sunday 3 pm SLT (00:00 CET, 23:00 GMT)

My streaming URL

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